2008年11月8日 星期六

Leif Ove Andsnes recital

Leif Ove Andsnes
Schubert piano sonata D.958, Beethoven Moonlight sonata, Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition
5th Nov 2008, HKCC concert Hall

You don't often get high quality piano recitals like this in HK.
Schubert sounds young and resolute, 4th movt especially exciting. Moonlight is perhapes a tinge too zealous to my liking, but nonetheless convincing.
And the Exhibition, Andsnes made an exhibition of short movies of the piano notes. SO very lively is his depiction of the pictures that for once the Pictures reveal themselves to my inner eyes. "Ballet of the uhatched chicks" nearly found me dancing, and "the Great gate of Kiev" threatens to shatter the Cultural center. Exhilarating.

Encores included 2 Debussy Preludes and a Scarlatti. One can sense Andsnes' upbeat mood despite the half-filled hall. If only he'd play some Janacek!

HK is a strange place. Lousy singers get a full house of fans, while a top notch musician faces a semi-empty hall. This was Andsnes debut in HK. Its good that he had come, its bad that it took a world renowned pianist like 10+ years to visit HK for the first time. New York and London, and even Tokyo and Taipei usually catch them much earlier. And the government claims "to build west kowloon so as to make HK the international hub of cultural activities..." Wake up folks, not in a hundred years.

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Leif Ove Andsnes actually appeared in Hong Kong in 2005 Arts Festival. Probably not his solo debut there thought: he was doing some concertos with Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, if I am not wrong. I have taken a photo of him, dated 26/2/2005.